Friday, January 16, 2009

Show Date: January 16, 2009 - Hell on Heels Tour

So Gabe booked us a little shindig at Fitz as support for the Hell on Heels Tour that was coming thru town. So basically we were opening for Nico Vega (Myspace Records) who I was listening to before they blew when I was living back in LA, Semi Precious Weapons and Von Iva who was recently in the Jim Carrey movie 'Yes, Man'.

We played a low key show for this one and kept our mania under wraps. No blowup dolls, no hanging upside down from the ceiling, no Ricky bleeding all over his guitar, but we still had a righteous good time.

Ricky cornered the guitar player of Nico Vega and expounded how great he thought he was. I think the guy was a little intimidated. You know, by that time, Rick had a few beers in him and even I thought it was a little stalkerish but hey, no harm no foul. I think what impressed Rick the most was that this guy had the most massive pedal board even I had ever seen.

At that time Semi Precious Weapons had just released their debut album and they had these little SPW necklaces with every CD. So I had picked me up a copy and was wearing their necklace at the show. So I see Justin the lead singer over by the water cooler and I corner him. And I think at first he thought I was gonna kick his ass, but I just wanted to show him I had their necklace on. He broke out in a big smile and smacked me on the ass.

Okay, I added that ass smacking part.


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