Saturday, July 25, 2009

Show Date: July 25, 2009 - Super Happy Fun Land

Super Happy Fun Land is unlike any venue I've ever played. It's not so much a music venue as it is an art venue. If it's weird, eclectic, artful than you can find it at Super Happy Fun Land. They've had noise festivals, free jazz, poetry slams, blue-grass to emo, and such greats as Quintron and Miss Pussycat and The Monotonix have all played there.

It was a little surreal for us, because we've been on strange bills before but this was the first time I've played with a country band, a screamo band, a punk band and then there's us who are progressive.

One cool thing about that gig was meeting Larry Lorrack a free-style slam improv poet who dug our sound and put us on WHYZ Radio. Coolest cat and hope to do a show with him soon. He pulls out a guitar with a little amp and then proceeds to go all poetry on dat azz.

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