Sunday, May 10, 2009

Show Date: May 10, 2009 - The Texas Buzz

So Gabe hooked it up for us to play The Texas Buzz at Scout Bar. Now The Texas Buzz is thrown by Scout Bar in conjunction with 94.5 FM The Buzz to showcase local talent. We were headlining.

As The Lots Effect.

It's usually not a good sign when they get your name wrong on the marquee, but come on, the creativity needed to get The Lots Effect from Lotus Effect is pretty special. And I say that in all sincerity.

Now I have played Scout Bar many times with other bands but I have never headlined there. So when I roll in I start heading to the green room by the side of the stage when I'm stopped. Guy tells me, that's not your dressing room. This is your dressing room and leads us to the back to a huge green room with our own TV, bathroom, leather sofas and amenities.

Then as if I wasn't already feeling like a king, they checked that we were all of age and then rolled in two cases of beer. Utterly fantastic. It kind of made up for the fact that they got our name wrong.

We ended up having a blast. Not to mention the cool ass people we met and hung out with that night.

Oh, yeah, and keep buying our merch. It's the only way Rick can afford to keep buying soap to take a shower. Yall are the best.

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