Friday, May 29, 2009

Show Date: May 29, 2009 - The Funeral of Rosie Palm

We had this show on the books for awhile but with Rosie passing it was obvious that we had to do something special, so we decided to hold a memorial service for her.

We were very fortunate that amazing trumpeter David Chapman, - who played with such musical legends as
The Four Tops, Temptations, O’Jays, Little Anthony & The Imperials, The Grass Roots, Mary Wilson of The Supremes, Bobby Vinton, Bob Newhart, Regis Philbin, Tom Jones, Wayne Newton, and many more. And did I mention Wayne Newton? - decided to play taps for Rosie and join us on a few of our songs.

I built Rosie a coffin out of cardboard and painted it black. We had her right in front of the stage. It was a touching sendoff. At one point I jumped into the coffin with Rosie and almost broke my coccyx. We also had snuck in confetti poppers and we're spraying confetti all over the place. I don't think the owner was too happy about having to clean that up, but then again I can't be sure cause he was really drunk.

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