Friday, May 15, 2009

Show Date: May 15, 2009 - The Death of Rosie Palm

So we roll into San Antonio where we'd be playing The Ten Eleven (formerly known as The Warhol). I was real excited because it was our first time in San Antonio and looking at show pics from this place I knew it was going to be a blast. It would actually inspire a song Warhol that quickly became one of my favorite songs in our set list.

This would also be the first time we'd play with Electric Courage Machine who are the most awesome of awesomeness. Check them out, great tunes and excellent stage show. They are in my top 5 fav bands.

Now The Ten Eleven is small. You don't even have to mic anything except for kick drum and vocals which for some reason are the most fun places to play and where we have our best shows. Plus, I was enamored with all the penis tuxedo cartoons. We had a great time. It was complete pandemonium, panic, attack, fun, and tipsiness. Rick was playing so hard he shredded his fingers on his strings and was bleeding all over the place and his guitar. But he played on. Unfortunately though, tragedy did strike.

As we were getting Rosie ready for the show, she didn't want to wake up, she was very non-responsive and deflated, no matter how much air we'd blow in her. We brought her to the show anyway, but it was obvious something was really wrong.

We tried to keep our minds off of it, focus on the show but the next morning our worst fears had been realized. Rosie had passed.

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