Saturday, October 17, 2009

Show Date: October 17, 2009 - Make Your Escape

So our good friends Make Your Escape asked us to join them at Java Junction on Saturday night where they were headlining.

Now Java Junction is a coffee shop that doubles as a venue, and since they don't serve booze, it's basically a place where kids can come, and mosh and headbang until they've given themselves concussions and permanently damaged their hearing. This was by far the craziest group of rowdy ass youngsters I had ever seen in one place at the same time.

We played with a couple of outta town bands, but also with 38 Caliber Hero who played the Nico Vega show with us and this little band that I hadn't heard of before called Sleep Sleep 'Wake Up!' The only way to describe Sleep Sleep 'Wake Up!' is br00t4l! I don't think not one of them was over 14 but they wrecked that stage. Them boys go off.

Make Your Escape finally did took the stage and it's funny because the last Make Your Escape show I went to I kinda got a little rowdy and sprayed beer all over the them. A move that almost got me kicked out of Fitz, but I did it out of love because they were wrecking. I would find out later that Adria got pissed I got Lone Star all over her cab. But fences were mended. We cool.

Another little interesting tidbit we found out was that Make Your Escape was selected by Hy Magazine as Band of the Month and got a whole write up done on them. When they asked Corey who are his favorite bands to play with he mentioned us. He is both a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you for that, C!

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